segunda-feira, dezembro 12, 2005

Kiso, um programa muito esperado

Se havia uma coisa que eu esperava há algum tempo, era um programa para ler e converter imagens de cd no linux. O kiso faz justamente isso:

What is KIso ?
KIso is a graphical user interface for KDE 3.x which has the purpose to make it as easy as possible to:

* Open ISO and NRG images.
* Create an ISO image from CD.
* Easy and convenient creation of own ISO images.
* Convert NRG to ISO images.
* Convert BIN/CUE to ISO images.
* Convert MDF to ISO images.
* Convert CDI to ISO images.
* Convert CCD/IMG to ISO images.
* Convert C2D to ISO images.
* Mount ISO/NRG images as virtual drive.
* Extract the content of an ISO/NRG image.
* Create bootable images.

Alexandre Miguel de Andrade Souza
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Sobre php, linux e afins

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